Day 1: International Symposium on Trends in Big Data

(Use cases, technological trends, algorithms, e-infrastructure)
Venue: HTW Berlin, Campus Wilhelminenhof

The aim of the symposium is to present upcoming trends in Big Data as expected from science and industry.


Registration and Coffee HTW Berlin, Campus WH, H 001
10:00 15'
Welcome and Opening (purpose of the symposium)
Session 10:15
HTW, Campus WH, H001
10:15 45'
Big Data Visions at CERN
Ian Bird,
11:00 45'
SKA: Next Big Data
Phil Diamond,
11:45 30'
Coffee Break
12:15 20'
Enabling Data Intensive Science in the Helmholtz Association
Achim Streit,
12:35 20'
The Leibniz-Rechenzentrum in the Landscape of High Performance Computing
Dieter Kranzlmüller,
12:55 20'
High Performance Computing, Visual Analytics
13:15 60'
Session 14:15
HTW, Campus WH, H001
14:15 20'
Applied AI & ML: Research at Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Randolf Hanke,
Alexander Martin,
14:35 20'
Data Science at DLR
Richard Bamler,
14:55 20'
Big Data Handling Methods – From Research to Industry
15:15 30'
Big Data at SAP
Andreas Engel,
15:45 30'
Coffee Break
Session 16:15
HTW, Campus WH, H001
16:15 45'
Big Data in ground based astronomy: past, present and future
Matthias Steinmetz,
17:00 30'
European Open Science Cloud - the Pilot Phase
Hermann Lederer,
17:30 30'
Hyperscale Network Architectures for Big Data
18:00 30'
Concluding remarks (what we learn from the use-cases)
Volker Gülzow, and
Evening Event